Ripasso (Review)

Ripasso (Review) Complete the following statements with the appropriate form of leggere, bere, prendere, conoscere and rimanere in the blanks. Use each verb only once. Grazie! Io cornetto e un caffelatte. Io  bene questi studenti. Chi un cappuccino? Io voglio  la Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Tu puoi andare; io ancora dieco minuti. Review the…

Sapere and conoscere (To know)

Sapere and conoscere (To know) Grammar  “Sapere” sapere and “conoscere” conoscere both mean the same:  “to know.” They are very close to but different in meaning. These two words are not as evident in English as that in Italian. Sapere Sapere is a verb providing basic information. Sapere means “to know” (to have knowledge of…

I verbi servili (The modal verbs)

I verbi servili (The modal verbs) Grammar  Three very frequently used verbs in the second conjugation (-ere) are dovere (to have to, must), potere (to be able to, can, may), and volere (to want). These verbs are called “modal” verb and they are generally followed by a verb in its infinitive form. In the following…

Verbi irregolari in -ere (Irregular verbs in -ere)

Verbi irregolari in -ere (Irregular verbs in -ere) Grammar  Irregular verbs are those that do not follow the typical conjugation patterns of their respective types (infinitive stem + endings). Irregular verbs of the second conjugation (verbs ending in –ere) are numerous. Here are some useful ones. bere (to drink): bevo, bevi, beve, beviamo, bevete, bevono…

I verbi in -ere (Verbs in -ere)

I verbi in -ere (Verbs in -ere) Grammar  Verbs with infinitives ending in –ere are called second conjugation, or –ere, verbs. The present tense of regular Italian verbs in -ere is formed by dropping the infinitive ending (-ere) and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting root (-o, –i, –e, –iamo, –ete, –ono). For example,…

Al bar (At the bar)

Al bar (At the bar) An Italian bar is not really a pub or a bar in the American sense. What is an Italian Bar?   Watch How Italians have Breakfast & Drink Coffee     Listen to the dialogue and try to put the pictures in order (1, 2, 3, etc)  based on the matching…
