Ripasso (Review)

Ripasso (Review) Review the conjugation of the regular verbs in -are. Che ore sono? You will see a clock: say the time in Italian. Using the vocabulary you already know  and the Collins Dictionary write your schedule for today. Indicate what you do and at what time you do it. Time                       Activities

Una canzone (A song)

Una canzone (A song)   Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.  Io e a te a casa e a te le e intanto a te Come ? E penso a te Dove ? E a te Le sorrido, gli occhi e penso a te Non so con chi adesso non so che…

A che ora….? (At what time…?)

 A che ora….? (At what time…?) Grammar In Italian one can ask ‘At what time…..’ using the phrase A che ora ….? One answers a in front of mezzogiorno and mezzanotte (a mezzanotte ‘at midnight’, a mezzogiorno ‘at noon’), all’ in front of una (all’una ‘at one o’clock’) and alle for all other times (alle…

Che ora è? (What time is it?)

Che ora è? (What time is it?) Grammar Listen to the time expressions and repeat them several times. In Italian one can ask the time using either Che ora è? or Che ore sono? both equivalent to the English ‘What time is it?’. One answers hours using numbers, except for mezzogiorno (‘noon’) or mezzanotte (‘midnight’):…

Il tempo libero (Free time)

Il tempo libero (Free time) Look at the pictures and write what they are doing. Il ragazzo  . Le amiche . I due fidanzati . Maria  una canzone. Lia  . Ilario è sportivo e . Sara  molto bene.  Loro . Matteo .  Which of these activities do you like doing in your free time? First listen to…

I verbi in -are (Verbs in -are)

I verbi in -are (Verbs in -are) Grammar Conjugations Italian verbs are divided into three conjugations (three classes), according to whether their infinitive forms end in -are (parlare ‘to talk’), -ere (temere ‘to fear’), or -ire (dormire ‘to sleep’). Each conjugation has its specific endings related to the mood, tense, and subject of the verb….
