Ripasso (Review)

Ripasso (Review)    Listen to the words. Write down all the words you hear preceded by the correct definitive articles.    Complete the following statements with the appropriate form of partire, dire, venire, uscire or finire in the blanks. Domani  con Franco e Giovanni. Andiamo al cinema. Il treno alle 5:00 e arriva a Milano…

Una canzone e uno spot (A song and a commercial)

Una canzone e uno spot (A song and a commercial) Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs you hear. “Azzurro” di Adriano Celentano (by Adriano Celentano”) l’estate tutto l’anno e all’improvviso eccola qua Lei è partita per le spiagge e sono solo quaggiù in città volare sopra i tetti…

Verbs followed by “a” or “di” plus infinitive

Verbs followed by “a” or “di” plus infinitive Most of the time when an Italian verb is followed by an Infinitive verb, the infinitive is preceded by the prepositions A or DI. Some of the most common ones are listed below. VERBS FOLLOWED BY “A” PREPOSITION ANDARE: Io vado a ballare in discoteca. AIUTARE: Io…

Verbi irregolari in -ire (Irregular verbs in -ire)

Verbi irregolari in -ire (Irregular verbs in -ire) There are verbs in -ire verbs that do not follow the regular conjugation patterns. The verb dire, uscire, and venire are not the only irregular IRE verbs but these  are extremely important to know as they can be used often in everyday conversation. DIRE (to say) dire…

I verbi in -ire (The verbs in -ire)

I verbi in -ire (The verbs in -ire) Grammar Verbs with infinitives ending in –ire are called third conjugation, or -ire verbs. The present tense of a regular –ire verb is formed by dropping the infinitive ending –ire and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting stem. There is a different ending for each person….

Il verbo Piacere (The verb Piacere)

Il verbo Piacere (The verb Piacere) Grammar The verb piacere (to like) is used to express that you like something. Now the verb piacere works a little bit differently from most other Italian verbs so pay close attention. The verb is mostly used in the 3rd person singular or plural (piace and piacciono) and the…

L’arte (The arts)

L’arte (The arts) First listen to the words and repeat them several times. Then write down all the words in a notebook.  At this point read and pronounce the new words. (le) arti visive visual arts (il) museo museum (la) pittura  the art of painting (il) quadro painting (work of art) (il) disegno drawing, sketch (il)…
