Reflexive Verbs


A verb is reflexive when the action performed by the subject refers back to the same subject directly:

Marco si lava ‘Marco washes himself’  (Marco is the subject because he performs the action and at the same time he is the object of the action because he washes himself)

or indirectly:

Marco si lava le mani ‘Marco washes  his hands’ (Marco is the subject who performs the action, his hands are the object of the action. The hands that Marco washes are his own, so Marco benefits from the action, even if just in part).

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A verb has a reflexive (or in this case ‘reciprocal‘) meaning when the action performed by a compound subject is done reciprocally to each other:

Marco e Maria si abbracciano ‘Marco and Maria hug each other’ (Marco and Maria are the subjects of the sentence and they perform the action, which benefits both of them).

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You can recognize the reflexive forms because their infinitive  ends in ‘si‘: lavarsi, alzarsi, svegliarsi, vestirsi, etc.

In order to conjugate a reflexive verb,  a reflexive pronouns (see below) must be placed directly before the conjugated forms of the verb:

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Below are the forms of the reflexive lavarsi (‘to wash oneself’) used as a model. As you can see,  you must use the correct pronoun and just the regular form of the verb.

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Verbs in –ersi and in –irsi make their reflexive forms in the same way:

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Here a list of common reflexive verbs in Italian. You can find more :

addormentarsi (to fall asleep), alzarsi (to get up), arrabbiarsi (to get angry), asciugarsi
(to dry off), chiamarsi (to be named), divertirsi (to have fun, to enjoy oneself), farsi il bagno (to bathe oneself), farsi la doccia (to take a shower), farsi la barba (to shave oneself -beard), innamorarsi (di) (to fall in love with), lavarsi (to wash oneself), laurearsi (to graduate), mettersi (to put -clothing- on),  pettinarsi (to comb one’s hair), preoccuparsi (di) (to worry about) radersi (to shave), sedersi (to sit down), sentirsi (to feel), spogliarsi (to undress), sposarsi (con) (to get married), svegliarsi (to wake up), truccarsi
(to put on makeup), vestirsi (to get dressed).

Many Italian verbs (but not all of them) have next to their regular non reflexive form a reflexive one:
Io lavo la mia auto (I wash my car) / Io mi lavo i capelli ( I wash my hair)
Tu vesti tuo figlio  (You dress your son) / Tu ti vesti (You dress yourself)

In some cases they are perfectly equivalent:
Io faccio la doccia / Io mi faccio la doccia (I take a shower)

In some cases their meaning changes:
Lui guarda la TV  (He watches TV) / Lui si guarda allo specchio (He looks at himself in the mirrow)
Tu alzi la sedia (You lift the chair) / Tu ti alzi  (You get up [yourself])

N.B. Some verbs which are not reflexive in English become reflexive when you use them in Italian: chiamarsi (to be named – literally, ‘to call yourself’) farsi la doccia (to take a shower – literally, ‘to make yourself a shower’), vestirsi (to get dressed – literally, ‘to dress yourself’), etc.

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Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.15.52 PM Reflexive and non reflexive verbs: Che cosa fanno i personaggi nella foto?

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12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiComplete the sentences by inserting the correct reflexive form of the verb (including the pronoun) Check Answersaccording to the cue provided

Io    alle 6:00 ogni mattina.  (alzarsi)
Noi oggi in piazza, poi andiamo a mangiare una pizza. (incontrarsi)
Matteo il mese prossimo. (laurearsi)
Oggi non bene, ho un grande male alla testa. (sentirsi)
Mio figlio non mai prima di andare a scuola. (pettinarsi)
Quel signore molto bene, è sempre elegante. (vestirsi)
Ogni volta che vado in Italia del suo paesaggio. (innamorarsi)
Io non mai il bagno, preferisco la doccia. (farsi)
Voi avete davvero molto coraggio, non di niente. (spaventarsi)
Guarda quegli innamorati come . (baciarsi)
Davanti alla TV io immediatamente. (addormentarsi)

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.41.50 PM&12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiListen to the audio and complete the passage with the correct reflexive forms Check Answers

Ogni mattina  alle 7.30. Subito   e vado in bagno. Qui    il viso e i denti.  Poi torno in camera dove scelgo i vestiti e  . Torno ancora in bagno: prima  bene, poi  . Dopo 30 minuti sono pronta per la colazione che  mentre ascolto le notizie alla radio. Alle 8:30 in punto sono pronta per uscire. Prendo l’auto e arrivo a lavoro dopo 20 minuti. Alle 9:00 esatte   davanti al mio computer e quasi non più fino alle 5:00 del pomeriggio. Quando torno a casa qualche volta sono così stanca che vado subito a letto e immediatamente  .

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.41.50 PM&12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hi Listen to this famous refrain (from La vasca, by Alex Britti)  and write down all the reflexive verbs you recognizeCheck Answers

, , e ,
, e inizia qui lo spasso
E , , e ,
, e ricomincia qui lo spasso

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.38.11 PM&Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.15.52 PM Watch the clip and follow the directions provided

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.38.11 PM& 12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiA TV commercial: Biscotti Campiello Check Answers

Lo spot gioca interamente su la rima “bello” / “Campiello” (il nome dei biscotti). Riscrivi il verso (line). . Riconosci il verbo riflessivo?

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.38.11 PM&Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.15.52 PM Che cosa fa la ragazza la mattina? Usa quando possibile nelle tue risposte i verbi riflessivi

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

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Article by amerigolab

Welcome to amerigolab, my website. I am a Professor at York College (The City University of New York), where I teach Italian, Humanities, and World Literature courses.

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