Reflexive pronouns with the infinitive form


As you have seen in the previous chapter the reflexive pronouns precede the conjugated verb (io mi lavo, mi precedes lavo), but it always hooks on the end when we use them with an infinitive form. Verbs and expressions like preferire (to prefer) cominciare a … (to start …), finire di… (to finish), avere bisogno di … (to need …) etc. are often followed by an infinitive.

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In the case the final -e of the infinitive is dropped and the pronoun is attached directly to the infinitive form.

When a modal verbs (volere, potere, dovere) precedes the infinitive the pronoun can precede the modal verb, or it hooks on the end of the infinitive. In this case remember to drop the final -e of the infinitive form:

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12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiTranslate into Italian the following sentences (use button-1 if necessary Check Answers)

Some friends of mine  prefer to take cold baths.

They are really dirty. They need to wash themselves more often.

You are scared to fall in love with Sara.

Sometimes I like dressing up like a clown.

12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiComplete the sentences with modal verbs and reflexive using both possibilities  Check Answers

Domani mattina io    /   molto presto.
(dovere – alzarsi)

Noi    /   alla festa di laurea.
(volere – divertirsi)

Prima di andare a letto voi    / bene i denti.
(dovere – lavarsi)

Loro sono molto amici; non /
(volere- salutarsi)

(Io) / ?
(potere – sedersi)

Lei  / del mio compleanno.
(dovere – ricordarsi)

Vincenzo e Alessia si amano, ma non / .
(volere – sposarsi)

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.41.50 PM& Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.15.52 PM Listen to the audio file and match what you hear with the pictures

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Article by amerigolab

Welcome to amerigolab, my website. I am a Professor at York College (The City University of New York), where I teach Italian, Humanities, and World Literature courses.

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