Passato Prossimo of Piacere

Passato Prossimo of Piacere


In the passato prossimo the verb piacere takes essere as its auxiliary verb. The past participle piaciuto will agree in gender and number with the thing liked:

Screen Shot 2015-06-21 at 6.39.54 PM

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12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiChange the verb piacere from the present tense to the passato prossimo Check Answers

Mi piace andare in Italia.
Non ti piace fare shopping.
Gli piacciono i treni veloci.
Le piace il pane con la nutella.
Non ci piacciono le feste rumorose.
Ti piace il  film?
Ti piacciono le canzoni italiane?
12065741611397562595raffaella_biscuso_Stylo.svg.hiTranslate the following sentences into Italian Check Answers

I liked your house.

They liked to play with my friends.
Did you like the music?
He liked the books.
We liked this restaurant.
Did you all like my cats?
They liked the Italian film.
Marco liked my friends.
My mother liked this song.
My husband liked to play soccer .

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.38.11 PM&Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.15.52 PM A TV commercial: Istinti primordiali

Ti è piaciuto lo spot o non ti è piaciuto? Perché?

fill  fill

Article by amerigolab

Welcome to amerigolab, my website. I am a Professor at York College (The City University of New York), where I teach Italian, Humanities, and World Literature courses.

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