Unit 2

(See the Syllabus for dates and deadlines)

  • Read Fashion, Italian style pp. 1-20 (See Blackboard)
  • Read  Dress like an Italian images
  • Read  How to dress like an Italian images
  • Watch the Gallery (nine images) and read the taglines How to dress like an Italian images
  • Read Renaissance and Made in Italy images
  • Watch The Glamour of Italian Fashion 1945-2014 (part 1 and 2) (below)

  • Take Quiz 2 (See Blackboard > Quizzes> Quiz 2) Note: Quiz 2 will review all Unit 2 assignments.
  • Complete the Q&A Forum (See Blackboard) assignment.

Article by amerigolab

Welcome to amerigolab, my website. I am a Professor at York College (The City University of New York), where I teach Italian, Humanities, and World Literature courses.

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