L’articolo partitivo

The partitive article

Listen to the audio file and find the corresponding images below. Then click here for the answers.

You have probably noticed that the articulated prepositions formed by combining di and the definite articles (del, della, degli, etc., see Unità 7.1) express a quantity that’s uncertain or approximate. In English, the same meaning is conveyed with words like some, any, or even a few when it is meant to be a rough estimate: Compro delle pere (I buy some pears), Avete delle domande? (Do you have any questions?), Ci sono degli errori nel tuo testo (There are a few mistakes in your text).


Partitive article
A partitive represents a part of a whole. In Italian, the partitive meaning is conveyed by using the contraction created by combining the preposition di and the definite articles.

il lo l’ la i gli le
di del dello dell’ della dei degli delle

As you already know (see Unità 6 and 7), the genitive is formed the same way. In other words, a genitive looks like a partitive article, but it is something really different from a grammatical point of view.

La casa della mia amica è bellaMy friend’s house is beautiful” (genitive)
Voglio dell’ acqua. I want some water (partitive)

The partitive article is used, when we talk about a part of something or about some elements of a group with similar elements. In English, we usually convey this thought with words like some, any or a few.

Here are a few examples of these in use:

Posso avere dell’acqua. (dil’ [acqua]) I want some water.
Hai delle monete. (di + le [monete]) Do you have any coins?
Ci sono dei libri nel mio zaino. (di + i [libri]) There are a few books in my backpack.

A distinction is usually made between the use of the singular and plural. The partitive singular indicates an unspecified amount of an item considered non-countable (Voglio del gelatoI want some gelato’, Posso avere dello zucchero?May I have some sugar?’). In the plural, however, the partitive indicates an undetermined quantity of a countable element (Compro dei fiori I buy some flowers’, Mangio degli spaghettiI eat some spaghetti’, Hai delle domande? ‘Do you have any questions?’).

  • Look at the images 1,3,4,7 above. Pretend you are the subject of the actions presented. Create 4 sentences both orally and in writing. Then check if there are mistakes in your spoken Italian using Speech to Text and in your text using Spell and Grammar Checker.
  • Repeat the partitive articles and use Speech to Text to check if the computer recognizes your pronunciation.

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