Avverbi in -mente

Adverbs in -mente

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Just a few new words ending in -mente. For sure, you noticed the equivalence with those English words ending in –ly. They are so close to their English equivalent adverbs that their understanding is praticamente natural.

Adverbs in -mente
The following are just a few examples of these words in -mente (-ly). To practice on vocabulary and pronunciation, use Quizlet.A few adverbs sound similar in Italian and English, yet their meaning is different.

Adverbs in –mente
The most common type of Italian adverbs denoting manner end in -mente, equivalent to the ‘-ly’ form in English1Not all Italian adverbs denoting manner are formed from adjectives (not even English). Two significant exceptions are bene and male that you have already learned.. All these adverbs are simply formed by adding the suffix -mente to form of the corresponding adjective (general/generale > generally/generalmente, true/vero > truly/veramente, etc.) to the feminine form of the adjective:

Adjective (m.) > Adjective (f.) > Adverb
lento slow lenta slow lentamente slowly
felicehappy felice happy felicemente happily’

If the adjective ends in -le or –re preceded by a vowel, the final -e is dropped in front of -mente:

Adjective (m.) Adjective (f.) Adverb
facileeasy facile easy facilmente easely
regolareregular regolareregular regolarmente regularly

Andiamo sicuramente a trovare i tuoi genitori We are definitely going to visit your parents
Mi piace guidare velocemente I like driving fast
Il tuo vestito è esattamente come il mio Your dress is exactly like mine

The adverb related to buono (good) is bene (well) and not buonamente. The adverb related to cattivo (bad) is male (badly) and not malamente.

Don’t try to make adverbs agree with anything. They always keep the same form.

Sometimes an Italian word can be correctly translated by looking for similarities with English words, but in other cases, the word has a different meaning or more than one. These words are called “False friends”. Three adverbs in -mente are among them:

  • Attualmente means currently and not actually (Attualmente lavoroI currently work‘). The English word actually can be rendered in Italian as veramente/realmente (Veramente/Realmente lavoroI actually work‘).
  • Eventualmente doesn’t mean eventually, but means possibly2Thankfully possibilmente is a true friend.(Eventualmente domani lavoroPossibly tomorrow I work’). The English  eventually itself can be translated as finalmente, a more literally ways of saying finally, at last (Finalmente domani lavoro ‘I eventually/finally work tomorrow)
    • Try to write ten adverbs in -mente based on ten English adverbs in –ly, not listed above. Then use the Dictionary to check if there are correct.
    • Try to form orally ten adverbs in -mente based on ten English adverbs in –ly, not listed above. Then use Speech to Text and the Dictionary to check if they really exist in Italian.

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