“Il” e gli altri articoli

“Il” and the other articles

Listen to the audio file and find the corresponding foods and beverages below.

Then click here for the answers.

Food and beverage
The world loves Italian food and Italian food words are commonly used in English. The following food nouns are untranslatable and they are just a few of the Italian food words used in English. Just notice that some words have been adopted into English as a singular, but gnocchi, spaghetti, ravioli, cannoli, biscotti, etc. are plural. We eat more than one at a time, right? The singular forms are (lo) gnocco, (lo) spaghetto, (il) raviolo, (il) cannolo, (il) biscotto, etc. Notice that all the nouns are preceded by a definite article (=the), grammar point covered in this chapter. To practice on vocabulary and pronunciation, use Quizlet.
More food words To practice on vocabulary and pronunciation, use Quizlet.

The above words (with the exception of [gli] spinaci) are all singular. You can make them plural following the rules studied in Unità 3. Just remember that  (l’) uovo sing. and m. (egg) becomes (le) uova pl. and f. (eggs).

Definite articles
The Italian definite articles correspond to the English ‘the’. These articles, unlike their English counterparts, vary according to the gender, number, and initial letter(s) of the noun they precede.

Singular articles:

  • lo, like uno, is used with singular masculine nouns beginning with: z (lo zucchero the sugar’), the group s + consonant (lo spaghetto) group ps (lo psicologothe psychologist’), the group gn (lo gnocco)
  • il is used with singular masculine nouns beginning with all the other consonants except the ones already discussed above: il gelato, il limone  (the lemon);
  • l’ is used with singular masculine and feminine nouns beginning with vowels or ‘h‘: l’olio (the oil), l’arancia (the orange), l’hotel (the hotel)
  • la is used with singular feminine nouns beginning with consonantsla mela (the apple), la bistecca  (the steak)

Plural articles:

  • gli replaces the masculine lo in the plural: lo zucchero > gli zuccheri , lo spaghetto > gli spaghetti,  lo psicologo > gli psicologi , lo gnocco > gli gnocchi
    • it also replaces the masculine l’ in the plural: l’olio gli oli, l’hotel > gli hotel
  • i replaces the masculine il in the plural: il gelato > i gelatiil limone > i limoni
  • le replaces the feminine la in the plural: la mela > le mele, la bistecca > le bistecche; it also replaces the feminine l’l’arancia > le arance

Unlike English, Italian uses the definite article before:

  • plural nouns indicating an entire species or a category: Gli animali sono innocenti (‘Animals are innocent’), Le stelle sono belle (‘Stars are beautiful’)
  • nouns indicating abstract concepts: La dignità è un valore (‘Dignity is a value’), Apprezzo la sincerità (‘I value sincerity’)
  • nouns indicating substances and minerals: L’acqua è buona (‘Water is good’), L’oro è prezioso (‘Gold is precious’)
  • names of countries, regions, and continents: l’Italia, la Toscana, gli Stati Uniti
  • titles: il signore Bianchi (‘Mr. Bianchi’), la dottoressa Allegri (‘Doctor Allegri’). However, the article is not used when addressing someone directly: Buongiorno, Signora Rossi (‘Good morning, Mrs. Rossi’)

and in a few more cases that you will learn in the next Units.

  • Based on the map provided,  from which Italian regions are 1) il tiramisù, 2) la pizza, 3) il pesto, 4) i cannoli? Explore the map of the Italian regions first and answer the questions. Check
  • Using the same map of the Italian regions find out in which regions are located 1) Firenze, 2) Milano, 3) Bologna, 4) Torino, 5) Cagliari.
  • How many Italian food names common in English do you know? Make a list and share it with your peers.
  • Use Text to speech to hear how to correctly pronounce the Italian food and beverage words used in English.
  • Repeat the food nouns preceded by the articles several times. Use speech to text to check if the computer recognizes your pronunciation.
  • Che cosa ti piace mangiare? (What do you like eating?). Answer this question starting with Mi piace mangiare …. Then add four or five foods. Ask the same question to your peers.

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